Friday, February 15, 2013

$5 DIY Photo Canvas. . .

I am SO excited to share this DIY with you. I'm sure if you are anything like me, I am always looking for ideas that are low cost with amazing results. Here is one example of a super easy, amazing canvas that you can do for under $5. The first thing to do is find a canvas. Hobby Lobby carries plain white canvases for low cost, but the cheapest way to go is the thrift store. I got my 21"x 16" canvas at Goodwill for $2. Let me show you how it all came to be!

$2 canvas. Couldn't wait to paint it black!
All you have to do is paint the canvas front and sides with black paint.
I got a huge blown up picture from the Staple's Copy center for $1.79. $1.79?!?!?!?!? Yes. Can you believe that? Just make sure your photo is already black and white, take it in on a flashdrive, and they will print your picture in less that 5 minutes. The only thing you have to do is cut it out. I suggest getting a couple inches bigger than what your canvas dimensions are. So for mine, it was a 25x20ish printed picture.
The last step is tricky. It involves modge podge, and can get a little messy. I put down a little bit of modge podge on the canvas and then very carefully smoothed the picture over the canvas. I then modge podges the EDGES of the picture, not the entire top of the picture. This causes wrinkles and bumps in the picture, so that's why I suggest just doing the edges. Give it a couple of hours to dry, and you will be all ready to go!
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial! Make sure to give it a try. I did this for Lauren because her birthday was this past week. She abosolutely loved it, and I was so excited with the result!!!!!


  1. Hello! I'm thinking about making one of these and I was wondering if it would work if the picture was in color. Also, if the canvas is already white, do I still have to paint it black? Just wondering :)

  2. Hey Sarah! YES. You most certainly can do color. Just a couple pieces of info, it IS more expensive to do a color print. You probably won't be able to get it for under $2. And, for the sides of the canvas, I painted it just to add a touch of unity with the black and white, if you do a color it will be more difficult for the sides of the canvas to look natural. With black sides, the canvas seems "wrapped" because there is not a drastic color change. All that to say, go for it. Be you. Be creative, make something you have envisioned in your head, that is the best kind of creating. Happy Crafting!


  3. This is great! I plan on making this project this weekend. I've seen something similar to this before and just wasn't sure how to pull it off. Thank you so much for the tutorial!
